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List of Outputs

The project progressed over the years in several publications and myriad events:
6 International Conferences
2 National
  • Luanda – Angolan Catholic University - UCAN (19-20/8/2004);

  • Luanda – UCAN (7-8/8/2008);

  • Brussels-European Parliament (17/11/2009);

  • Wageningen University (23/9/2010);

  • Brussels-United Nations Regional Centre (16-17/11/2011);

  • Rio de Janeiro – Theater Sesc Ginástico (21-23 November 2018), in articulation and co-organization with Cefet-RJ & SESC.

  • Luanda – Nacional Cine-Teatro (28/7/2011), conference on “Poverty eradication in Southern Africa: on the efficiency and effectiveness of civic organizations participation; MDGs and the SADC regional poverty reduction framework and poverty observatories”;

  • Luanda – Nacional Cine-Teatro (28/01/2015), conference on the "Balance of thr project on democratization and development processes in Angola and Southern Africa”.

 Provincial Conferences and Workshops
Sponsored panel at the African Studies Organization
  • Luanda – Nacional Cine-Teatro (9/3/2010)

  • Benguela – Angolan Catholic University (11/3/2010)

  • Lubango – Action for Rural Development and Environment - ADRA (15/3/2010)

  • Huambo – ADRA (18/3/2010)

Panel II-I-3 Pluralism: Democratization and electoral integrity in Africa (Lusophone African Studies Organization sponsored panel) Atlanta-Georgia-USA (29-30/November/2018).

6 Books






2 Progress Reports
  • Progress Report, first quinquennial, 2004-2009 (Luanda, Lisbon & Brussels 2009)

  • Progress Report, second quinquennial, 2009/2010 – 2014 (Luanda & Lisbon 2015)

10 Public Discussions On The Project's 
  • Luanda - UCAN (31/5/2006)

  • Lisbon - Fundação Cidade de Lisboa (22/6/2006)

  • Lisbon - Casa de Angola (6/7/2006)

  • Lisbon - Casa de Angola (16/10/2008)

  • London – School of Oriental and African Studies (21/1/2010)

  • London – Christian Aid (21/1/2010)

  • Lisbon – Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa (4/11/2011)

  • Luanda - Nacional Cine-Teatro (28/01/2015)

  • Lisbon – ISCTE-IUL (26/022015)

  • Lisbon - ISCTE-IUL (23/02/2016)

3 Photography 
Report on Land 
and Housing Rights
  • Luanda – Nacional Cine-Teatro, Omunga-Elections (9/3/2010)

  • Omunga - Benguela Omunga-Elections (11/3/2010)

  • Lisbon - Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa, Jorge Coelho-Angola (4/11/2011)

Cidadania pela defesa do Direito à habitação - I Forum Nacional de Habitação [Citizenship for the Rights to Access Housing in Angola] (Luanda: SOS Habitat, January 2014). Report. ISBN: 978-989-96447-5-5

2 Painting 
3 Films’ Exhibitions
  • Luanda – Nacional Cine-Teatro, Ruy Duarte de Carvalho (15 a 18/2/2011)

  • Lisbon – Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa, Ruy Duarte de Carvalho (15 a 22/4/2011)

  • Luanda – Nacional Cine-Teatro, Ruy Duarte de Carvalho (15 a 18/2/2011)

  • Lisbon – Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa, Ruy Duarte de Carvalho (15 a 22/4/2011)

  • Lisbon - Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa, Cristina Salvador e Richard Paklepa (4/11/2011) 

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