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Scientific Committee

Malyn Newitt

Professor Emeritus


King's College London


Recent Publications


Malyn Newitt obtained a BA in Modern History at Oxford in 1961 and a PhD London 1967. He taught at the University of Rhodesia (1962-1965) and at the University of Exeter (1966-1998). At Exeter he served as Dean of Arts and Deputy Vice Chancellor (1995-98). In 1998 he was appointed the first Charles Boxer Professor of History at King’s College London. He retired in 2005. 

He has specialised in Portuguese colonial history and, in particular, the history of Mozambique. He is the author of Portuguese Settlement on the Zambesi (1973), The Comoro Islands (1984), Portugal in Africa (1981), São Tomé and Príncipe (1988), with Tony Hodges History of Mozambique (1995), East Africa (2002) (a collection of Portuguese documents in translation) and A History of Portuguese Overseas Expansion (2004).  

He has also published three books on the history of Portugal, including Portugal in European and World History (2009) and Emigration and the Sea. An Alternative History of Portugal and the Portuguese was published in 2015.





Jean-Michel Mabeko-Tali



Howard University

College of Arts & Sciences

Department : History


Recent Publications

Author of two-volume study in Portuguese on Angola's Anti-colonial liberation movement: Dissidências e Poder de Estado: O MPLA perante si próprio 1962-1977 (Caminho/Nzila, 2001), Volume I: 1962-1974, and Volume II: 1974-1977. He also published a book in French on national identity and Political Transitions in Africa: Barbares et Citoyens – L’ Identité Nationale à l’ Épreuve des Transitions Africaines (L'Harmattan, 2005), which provides a comparative analysis of the emergence of national identity in Congo-Brazzaville and Angola. His book Guerrilha e lutas sociais: O MPLA perante si próprio, 1960-1977: Ensaio de História Política is a newest and expanded version of his book Dissidências e poder de estado. He is also the author of several articles on social and political issues that affect Angola and Congo, which have been published in French, Portuguese and Angolan Academic Reviews.

Henning Melber

Professor & Senior Research Fellow


Institute of Commonwealth Studies

Nordic Africa Institute


PO Box 1703 SE-75147 Uppsala Sweden





Email address:

Research Interests:


Civil Rights, Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Communities, Classes, Races, Globalization & Development, History, Human rights, International Relations, Politics




Summary of research interests and expertise:

Dag Hammarskjöld and the United Nations; (History of) Racism, Southern Africa, Namibia, Liberation Movements as Governments


Related publications/articles:



Rogério Roque Amaro

Professor Associado Department of Political Economy (ECSH)


Coordinator Economy and Globalization CEI-IUL - Centre for International Studies (ESPP)

Integrated Researcher CEI-IUL - Centre for International Studies (ESPP) [Economy and Globalization]

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