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International conference "P-DEIAM", Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo-Mozambique, 21 September 2022.

The conference will be the first international conference exclusively dedicated to the P-DEIAM project, aimed to discuss the main findings of field research, that took place in all Mozambican provinces up to March 2020, concerning the general elections of October 2019. Circa 2000 questionnaires were applied in all the 11 provinces and results will be discussed at the conference in Maputo (21 September 2022). The conference had been scheduled to May 2020 but had to be postponed due to the pandemic. 


Besides the P-DEIAM research team, scientific committee members and associated researchers, the conference will include several panels for other paper presenters (national and international) working in the area of elections and democratization in Africa, as well as round tables gathering civil society activists, media members and officials of Mozambican central and local government, to discuss the main theme of the conference. The conference will be open and free (though requiring previous registration for logistical planning purposes) and will soon open a call for paper presenters through the usual announcement networks.

P-DEIAM Youtube channel and lives program for debate with civil society organisations.

The PDEIAM Project will initiate in December 1, 2020, a program of live debates on its research issues and recent research findings, directed to civil society organisations and general public outside the academia. The program includes 12 live presentations at the P-DEIAM youtube channel


for the next two years (one every two months), made preferentially by the project’s researchers, but with the possibility to include other guests, to present his/her research findings related to the project and the project’s main thematic area. The presentation (coordinated by a moderator of the P-DEIAM project) takes approximately 40 minutes with an extra 30 minutes for questions taken from the live audience, that can address the moderator and present questions to the presenter.


The project aims to reach a broader audience outside the academia and establish a closer link with civil society organisations for knowledge-share and restitution. A schedule for the first five sessions will be available here soon.

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